Introduction to Kabbalah 

In our 3 week exploration of the world of Kabbalah we will explore the simple (is it kabb-a-LAH or ka-BAL-ah?) to the deep (how does the interpretation of word echad in the Shema affect our understanding of God’s nature and our relationship with God).  We will address the history and practices of Kabbalah and have time for questions and discussion of this fascinating subject. Our first class will be an Introduction to some of the key ideas of Kabbalah and to its interesting history. Class #2 will introduce the central text of KabbalahThe Zohar which is a work of pseudepigrapha (don’t know what that means?  Come and find out!).  We will discuss the 10 Sefirot, the world of Gematria, the mystical names of God and more. In the next class, we will explore Lurrianic Kabbalah, the Soul, Angels, Hasidim and focus on enhancing our own Jewish spirituality.  I’ve also included a one session overview of these subjects.

>  Copies of Slides
>  Suggested Reading
>  Learners’ Guide to Blessings

>  Video of a One Session Class
>  Video of Session #1
> Video of Session #2
>  Video of Session #3

What Happens After I Die? – Jewish Views of the Afterlife

Many Jews are surprised to learn that Judaism has always held that there is something beyond the grave – a life in the “world to come.”  We just don’t know (or teach) the details because no one has come back to tell us and because Judaism’s focus is on this life.   In this class, we will explore the wide range of authentic Jewish beliefs about the afterlife and how these beliefs have affected Jewish traditions of burial and mourning.  In our sessions we will examine what the Bible has to say, the Rabbinic and Talmudic thoughts and commentaries, the amazing world of medieval commentary, mystical and kabbalistic insights and well as what modern thinkers contribute.  We will also explore the world of Jewish funeral and mourning customs and their origins.

>  Copies of Slides
> Moment Article: “What Does Judaism Have to Say About Life After Death”
>  Video of Session #1
>  Video of Session #2
>  Video of Session #3

Wait! – What! The Delightful & Surprising Mythology of Judaism

Judaism has a rich mythology that is unknown to most of us.  In a series of 5 classes, Rabbi Lotker will introduce the enormous range of classic texts (including Torah, Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalistic, medieval folklore and Hasidic) that contribute to this eye-opening treasure.  Subjects will include myths of Angels, the Garden of Eden, the Messiah, Hell, the Angel of Death, Lilith and the Shekinah – the bride of God.  Much of the material will be draw  from Howard Schwartz’s Tree of Souls: the Mythology of Judaism.  The class is brought to us courtesy of the Jewish Federation of Ventura County and there is no charge to attend.