Deep Jewish Insights from the Music of Fiddler on the Roof

Although it may not be apparent on the surface, there is quite a bit of Jewish tradition, insight and depth in the music and story of “Fiddler On The Roof.”  In this class, we will enjoy many of the scenes and songs from the movie and discuss such issues as our relationship with God, perspectives on the afterlife, Jewish superstitions, a reason for Jewish intelligence (and all those Nobel Prizes), Talmudic logic, the true meaning of “Mazel Tov,” Jewish understanding of miracles, Jewish marriage customs and a lot more.  It’s even OK to  sing along with the wonderful music!

Sephardic Jewry:

About 95% of American Jews trace their ancestry to Ashkenazi Jewry (Jews of Eastern European origins) but about 50% of Israelis are Sephardic (Jews of Spanish and Islamic lands). Come learn about the distinctive customs and practices of the Sephardic world. Click here to see recording

Why/When Bad Things Happen to Me!

How many of us believe that life is unfair? Why?  Do we have it better or worse than would be “fair?”  The most difficult issue religion need to face is how we reconcile a good, just, loving, powerful, all knowing, all seeing God with Evil and Tragedy.

The Problem of Human Evil click here to see recording
The Problem of Random Tragedyclick here to see recording

Illicit Sexual Encounters in the Bible.

We will be carefully reading some of the most interesting and unusual stories in the Hebrew Bible – ones that you never, ever studied in Hebrew School.  A careful review of the lineage of King David and the Messiah and what it teaches us about your family and mine and the ultimate task of redemption.

> View Session #1

> View Session #2